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D'ora released in theaters on 2014-02-06. This movie is amongst the best [] genre, within 0 minutes and rating: 0.
Synopsis D'ora
D'ORA (2014) - English version D'ORA is an honest, compelling film, chronicling a young woman's tranforming migration to escape from opression and pursue her dreams. Dora's innocence is put against the wall when the struggles and hardships of surviving in a new country flourish. Her determination and strength will bring her towards difficult paths, risking everything she loves for the hope of a better future. D'ORA is a haunting yet sweet story, that tackles some of the most pressing issues of the modern globalised world, bringing light into situations not too distant from most people. We strongly believe in the power of D'ORA to connect with audiences from all over the globe.
D'ora Posters
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