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Silent Dust released in theaters on 1949-02-01. This movie is one of the best [Drama] genre, within 82 minutes and rating: 7.
Synopsis Silent Dust
Blind, wealthy Stephen Murray (Robert Rawley) is disciplined and very matter-of-fact. He is wealthy and is the head figure of a country estate. He is organizing a memorial to his son (who was shot dead during WW2) to be unveiled when he is visited by Seymour Hicks (Lord Clandon). Hicks plays a far more sympathetic character and asks Murray to dedicate the memorial to all of the 50 or so villagers who never came back from the war, not just to his son. Murray refuses. At this point, we don't like Murray. One night, Nigel Patrick (Simon Rawley) shows up. Yep - he's the son.....and he's not been killed. He has quietly sneaked back to ask for money to make his escape as an army deserter. He hides in the house and the cast gradually become aware of his presence until he has a confrontation with his dad at the end, for which there can only be one outcome.
Silent Dust Posters

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